Friday, July 20, 2012

Ghost ships and baby crabs

Come see the World's Smallest Crab at Black's Creek!  Well, maybe not the world's smallest, but our tiny explorers, Matthew and Kaitlin, each found the smallest crabs of the day.  Matthew has been having a great time this summer, diving into games and the creek equally, but we were so proud to see Kaitlin excited to find her crab.  This was the first time she picked one up, and you could just tell by the look on her face how much fun she was having!

Kaitlin and her "baby" crab
Matthew showing off his crabbing muscles

The kids also had an exciting time watching nature in action as one of the larger green crabs in the touch tank decided she was hungry (the kids made sure to check if it was a boy or girl) and proceeded to rip in half and devour one of her smaller brethren.  We expected someone to be grossed out, but everyone squeezed in to get a look, cheering on the early morning meal.  

It was a slower day at Camp Harbor View thanks to a welcome storm front that moved in and finally broke the heat.  Campers and staff got a front seat view as massive dark clouds slid across Boston Harbor and striking lightening bolts cracked the horizon.  Everyone had fun crowding into the main hall as the rain started coming down.  Still no new lobsters to report, but we've got our claws crossed for a good haul next week.

Things turn stormy...

This barge looked like a ghost ship as it floated by

Have a great weekend everybody!

-Andrew Bauld

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