Thursday, July 19, 2012

Marvelous McDonough

The McDonough Sailing Center is one of my favorite sites to be at because of the incredibly engaging kids that attend daily. Each and every one of them are avid crab and mussel hunters. Each day you can count on having around fifteen crabs, from green crabs to spider crabs. This past workday Kenny (the camp director) brought the on-site Save the Harbor staff out to the middle of Pleasure Bay to set up lobster traps. We were skeptical because we thought that the bay didn't contain a plethora of lobster but we were promptly reassured by Kenny. He said that the smallest lobster (emphasis on smallest) was 6 pounds! 

A huge lobster caught at McDonough
I was speechless! I couldn't believe my ears, but the next day we had a large catch of 6 lobsters. The kids especially enjoyed touching and holding the monsterous lobsters, all the while persistently inquiring if we were "Going to eat it". Mary dropped some knowledge by telling the kids how to tell if a lobster is male or female judging from the texture of it's first pair of swimerets. I have to say, the kids at McDonough sure catch on really quickly! I honestly feel that this summer is going to be brilliant already!


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