Saturday, July 14, 2012

We Lost Our Lobster Lassos!

Juelle & Mike posing with the kids and their
favorite green crabs of the day!

Hi everyone,

I'm back for another post to let you in on all of our secrets of the harbor this summer! It's only been a week and I am already in love with Castle Island. The program director, Kenny (aka "Coach") has definitely turned McDonough Sailing Center into a haven for kids to not only learn, but just hang out and enjoy the summer.
So let's get to business... In my last post, I mentioned that we would be pulling up our lobster traps for a second time. Let's just say we hit a minor setback :( For those of you who don't know, Pleasure Bay is a lagoon of about 170-acres, which is enclosed by jetties that allow water to enter and exit with the tide. The constant movement of the water makes it some of Boston's cleanest! But enough with the educational lesson, what happened to our lobster traps? Well, although most of the bay is a consistent depth, there's a chasm out towards the jetties that drops to over 50-60ft. While Kenny knows to avoid dropping traps in this area, there's no specific marker indicating where it is. In other words, there's a huge ditch at the bottom of the bay that goes to a depth way longer than the line on our lobster pots, and we all accidentally dropped it in there.

What to do?

We plan on recruiting some grapple hook masters to fish out our rope line. Wish us luck! I'll let you all know what happens next week! In the meantime, check out some great pictures from the other day. This is how the kids have been keeping busy while anxiously awaiting the discovery of our "lost" lobster traps!

Abbey learns to fish!

The boys measuring crab width.

Studying our new marine friends in a floating crate!

Can't wait for next week!

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