Saturday, July 14, 2012

Slip and Slime

Crab trap with a very big eel!

This week I was at the Boston Children Museum.While being there we set crab and lobster traps in the Fort Point Channel, many crabs were caught even an unexpected eel. Majority of kids were not afraid, mostly excited and touched or picked up the crabs. The kids also played with the eel trying to catch it but it was so slippery they couldn't keep hold of it.

We also did some fishing at community boating at the Charles River, I was also surprised at how good they were at catching fish and knowing how to go fishing.Over all crabs and eel trapping were the highlight of the week which the kids were excited about and not afraid to do. What i enjoyed the most was catching a eel because I have never done that before so it was a first experience for me also. A second thing that i enjoyed was catching the crabs because i was able to see a learn was a spider crab is and looks like. It looks just like a big spider just with a crab shell and green.

Cant wait to catch more,

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