Sunday, July 21, 2013

Let's Head to the Beach!

Sand Sculpture of an Eagle
On Friday, I visited the Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Festival for the first time.
I was able to explore the sidewalk of sandcastles where artists were carving the sculptures of sand. Rather than using a bucket to create a shape, the artists carved figures into a mound of sand using various tools such as a carving knife and a spray bottle filled with water. There were artists from all over the world carving their pieces of art in 95 degree weather, but the heat didn't stop them. 
Sea Turtle Made of Objects Left on the Beach by DCR

After we saw the sand castles, we were able to explore the rest of the festival. There was a Beatles tribute band, food trucks, booths giving away free samples, an  informational Interactive Kid's Zone, and many people trying to stay cool by taking a swim in the ocean. I'm excited to head back to Revere today to soak in some sun and see what else the festival has to offer. 

See you at the beach,
Iris Ayala

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