Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sweet Sandy Days at Revere Beach

       Thi here again, reporting on a great day I had at the Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Event on Friday!
       Arriving at Revere Beach, treading as quickly as possible over the scorching hot sand was only a small introduction to what the rest of the day would bring. There was just so many people enjoying the beach already that I couldn't say no to stepping into the ocean to cool off. And boy, is that what it did. After going past the few feet wide red seaweed blooms, the clear water was so refreshing!
       Back at the tent, I got ready to talk to families with their children, random passersby, or just anyone who wanted to know more about the marine animals in the touch tank. On their first rodeo show were two male lobsters, many green crabs, a couple native red rock crabs, and three beautiful starfish!
A starfish with a humongous clam shell I had found! 
       The kids were just so interested in the animals and it was really awesome to hear some of their stories as well - some came as far as away as Wisconsin to enjoy the beginnings of the sand sculpting! I had such a great time explaining to the people how to tell the difference between a girl crab versus a boy crab, as well as a lobster, how starfish can regenerate an arm if they lose it, how invasive the green crab specie is, and just overall facts of our beloved Boston Harbor.

       I had a lot of fun with some coworkers I didn't really have a chance to work with and I can't wait for the next beach event I can make it to!

Here's a pic of us being silly:
Radio 105.7!!
Thi Tran

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