Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Day of Firsts

Even though Wednesday was the last day of the summer youth program, it was still a day full of firsts for me. With all the Harbor Explorer programs finished, I got to join the All Access Boston Harbor crew and boarded the Provincetown II (for the first time) and headed out to Peddocks Island (another first!). It was really foggy on the water and it felt like we were traveling through the mist towards the end of the world. Suddenly, out of the clouds appeared a giant wind turbine followed by sightings of land. The fog moving over the island gave it all a very surreal look.
Into the unknown

Upon landing, we had a quick lunch break in the shade and then headed to the grassy field to play some Frisbee golf. I learned that aim is not a strong point of mine. Later, I went with Iris, Juelle and Jennifer to explore the island. We found a great scenic overlook and the yurt campsite. The yurts were adorable and each one was equipped with bunk beds, table and a skylight. A camping trip to Peddocks will definitely be on my to-do list for next summer.

Gettin' their frizz on
After touring the island, I headed down to the shoreline to do some fishing with a few of the families that joined us for our last AABH trip. Unfortunately, we caught mostly rocks and seaweed. But, all our young fishers were in good spirits and had just as much fun flipping rocks to find Asian Shore Crabs. It was a lovely day exploring a new corner of the Boston Harbor with my wonderful coworkers and our AABH participants – all in all, a great way to close out the 2013 summer youth program.

-Sarah C

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ode to a Great Summer!

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I am writing my farewell to the summer blog already. It feels like we just finished orientation not so long a go. When the summer started at Save the Harbor I didn't know what to expect. I was very excited to see what was in store for this summer. Before this program started I couldn't tell the difference between a male/female crab nor identifying a green crab.  I had a lot of firsts this summer. These included first time: to the Harbor Islands, to pick up a lobster trap, to catch a spider crab, and to fish off the Fort Point Channel at the Boston Children's Museum.  I had the opportunity to spend my summer on Boston Harbor.  Now that's how you spend a summer! By summer's end I learned a lot more than just teaching kids how to kick or throw a ball or throw a frisbee.

Along the ride this summer I met so many incredible people. All of the SMEs I worked with this summer were awesome! Not only were they great people but they also gave me lots of laughs along the way.  One of my favorite parts of the summer was being able to work with the various JPAs. I am so proud of them. They all come from different backgrounds.  I was able to learn from them as well. I wish them all the best this year in the new school year. I also wish well all the JPAs that are off to college.  I know they will do great!
The All Access Crew of 2013

Now to my favorite times of the summer. What I enjoyed the most about this summer was having the opportunity to take over 5000 kids out on a boat and spend a day at either Spectacle or Georges Island. I met so many great kids from the various programs throughout the greater Boston area that included our games of kickball with Paige Academy, aka Team Flex, or playing Ultimate Frisbee with the Base Enrichment groups out of Braintree. These are just some of the amazing groups that I was able to meet over the summer.  Not only were all the kids great but I had a phenomenal Senior Staff at All Access. Without Carolyn, Thi,  and David Coffin this program wouldn't be as awesome as it is!  I just want to thank all three of them for all the hard work they did this summer to make sure that All Access was the best it possibly could be.

Save the Harbor staff at Beach Bash 2013
More great times this summer were spent at the various beach events that myself and other staff members participated in. These included helping at Family fun night at Carson Beach bathhouse in South Boston, or introducing  the kids on Wollaston Beach to Larry the Lobster.  The granddaddy event of them all was where every Save the Harbor staffer helped with Beach Bash.  This was where
700 plus kids came together for one big party at the Curley Community center in South Boston

After looking back at all of these great times and events that took place this summer, I can easily say this was an AWESOME SUMMER!  I wish everyone the best and hope to see you next summer at Save the Harbor!

Until Next Summer!



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My good bye to you.

        Hello readers!

Ready to Save the harbor and the bay.

      I am sad to announce my Good bye to you. Anyways no need to be sad because we had a lot a fun this summer by visiting Island, fishing and catching crabs.I hope working here again with you guys next summer.
In beginning we all were excited and ready to learn Thanks to Save the harbor/save the bay I learned something new everyday, making new experiences with the kids by kayaking and sailing sometimes also I got to be in different site working with my JpAs and others and knowing new places.
Watch and learn.

Community service.
 Although, we went a lot through this summer and I think next summer we will be ready for you guys to
experience more things. I would to thanks my senior educators thanks to them I catch my first sun fish.My next more will be Stripped base.
My first sun fish.

Thank you for all of your support.

-have a great 2013 summer.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Farewell to an Amazing Summer

I cannot believe school starts next Wednesday – where did the summer go?!  Oh wait, my summer flew by because of the incredible experience I had working for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.  As a teacher, many friends questioned why I wanted to work all summer when I was on “vacation.”  They explained that this was the time to explore new places, meet new people, and relax.  What they didn’t know, is that was exactly what I was doing this summer.  I learned more about Boston Harbor than I ever thought possible.  I went on trips to George’s and Spectacle Islands, rode Codzilla, pulled up lobster traps, toured the local fisheries, helped coordinate a beach bash for over 700 children and adults and is just to name a few.

One of the best parts of being the Summer Youth Program’s Lead Teacher was getting to know each SME and JPA that worked for us.  Many of the JPA’s attend Boston Public High Schools and I cannot wait to watch Myriam play volleyball, Hung score goals on the soccer field and Monique hit home runs.   Some of the JPA’s are heading off to start a new chapter of their life at college and I couldn't be happier for them!  Luckily for us, they are all staying within the Greater Boston area – Northeastern, Salem State, UMass Dartmouth, and I am particularly excited to watch Ahmed play basketball at Stonehill College!

School ended late due to ridiculous amounts of snow that pummeled Boston this past winter and delayed my start at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.  I didn't get to participate in the Senior Staff Orientation nor meet any of the Senior Marine Educators until day numero uno of our "All Staff Orientation."  I was nervous to meet the Senior Marine Educators (SME) but quickly learned that not only were we a diversely, talented group but fun and enthusiastic as well.  This is more than I could have asked for in a summer staff!  Constant communication, laughing, and hard work made this year's summer staff all worth while.

While everyone has their favorite parts of working at Save the Harbor, I would have to say that this summer I really enjoyed…..

1.  The Red Sox Clinic sponsored by Coca-Cola with Save the Harbor staff and some of the O’Bryant Softball team!

2.     Clam Seeding on Thompson Island.

3.     Pulling up the lobster trap at McDonough.

and 4. Visiting Spectacle and George's Island on the All Access Boston Harbor trips.

I cannot wait to see what next summer has in store for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay!

Now back to those 8th graders......


Monday, August 26, 2013

Haunted past

    On the island there are many adventures to be had many different rooms and a long history that haunts the walls. the lady in black is one of haunting story's that is told on the island; she was a lady with courage and an enormous amount of love for her husband. She risked her life to save her husband but in the process she accidentally killed her husband and she was found captured and sentence to be hung from a tree. They say that now she haunts fort warren on Georges island.
the entrance to the cave 
On Georges island there is a cave where it is said that the lady in black lives and she does not like people that come in with flash lights. Before you get to the cave I'm sure most people would say "ill go in no problem" as soon as people lay eyes on the cave they change their minds. The kids that go in  hold on tight to the person in front of them and half of them are to scared and end up going back to the beginning, only few go through the whole cave there first time.
another cave on Georges 
I find the island to be vary enjoyable and lots of open space to play games. It has a place to expand the imagination, body, and mind. Everyone feels differently about the island based on what they have hears but there's no better way to know for sure unless you have gone yourself to the island.
 Remember kids always look for new adventures and just keep swimming
 - Jennifer

Sad to Say Goodbye

I had a great time at save the harbor save the bay this summer.  I had good time with all my coworkers and all the sites I have been to.  It was an amazing experience for me!  I also had lots of fun at the office joking around and getting to know everyone better.  A special thanks to Bruce and Patty for giving me this opportunity once again. This summer I learned to get my confidence up.  Also I think I got better at Wiffle ball so I know I'll get pick first next time. And I had fun playing all the other sports on the island. What I'm most proud of this summer is that I finally caught a fish, that's one thing I haven't had luck on. The kids on AABH were really cool and nice. I know the kids had fun because they were hanging with me. Well this is the end of the summer love you all but good bye.
This summer was a home run

All-Access a second time!

My second time on all access was even better than the first time. Even though I have already been to George's Island, I had a whole new adventure. It started off as a normal all-access day meeting up at Bank of America Pavilion and taking to the young kids going to the harbor islands with us. At 10:30 we make our way to the Provincetown II. The Provincetown II is a huge boat that can fit a ridiculous number of passengers. There are three floors with two concession stands on the bottom two floors. The Provincetown II is a perfect boat for the number of kids we bring out to the harbor islands and we are always extra careful because we would never want to lose anyone on such a positive trip.

fun on the deck 

We finally make it to the island and all the kids spread around the island eating lunch and enjoying the nice weather. The island has great spots to chill by and relax. I usually go to the center of George's Island in the big open field to play sports. This time I made my way to the dark tunnel. The tunnel was extra hilarious. This group of kids were what I would call half way courageous. They all wanted to step foot in the tunnel but always ended up running back out the way they came. Only about 4 kids actually made it all the way through. The kids were all screaming in fear which hurt my ears in such small space. All access is great because we also got to bring our friend Lionel along and take him to the islands which he has not gone to before. Isn't that what all access is all about?

Running scared (Ahmed and Lionel on the right)


Bittersweet Conclusion to an Amazing Summer

This was hands down one of the best summers I have ever experienced.  It definitely took my mind off the stress of being an incoming freshmen in college. I knew my summer with Save the Harbor would be different but I had no idea how epic it would be. I was so lucky to be placed at Courageous Sailing Center this summer with my wonderful SME Sarah Bailey.  Easily the best memories with her this summer.  She is a great person and a very educated teacher.  I learned a lot from her and she even helped me with my college requirements which she obviously did not have to do. I am really grateful for all of her help and I am happy to have been placed with her. Courageous was a very fun site with a lot of opportunities for a fun experience. The other site I was placed in was Community Boating on the Charles River which was super fun. I was able to go kayaking for the first time in my life. I  loved my time there every morning and really appreciate it.

I would like to thank Bruce and Patty for allowing me to work here and be able to enjoy this summer with the Save the Harbor Team.  Thank you for all of the cool events like the fishing competition, the beach bash and the Red Sox clinic. I would also like to thank the Save the Harbor Team for welcoming me and allowing this summer to be as amazing as it has been. This team is very diverse with a lot of different backgrounds but that means nothing because we are all a family. I love this type of environment because no one is judged and it is all smiles and good times.

Thank you to all of you again and enjoy your lives wherever it takes you!

Save the Harbor Team and Sponsors

Last Day Of MLK

One of the biggest things that stuck me today was speaker Dana Barros. I really connected with what he was saying when he was talking about his childhood; all I kept thinking about was me.  Growing up basketball was life to me but I guess I didn't follow my passion like I should have.  But that's something I learned to do from this day one is to take my dreams serious.  It's only right because like he said it's 10 times harder for people who come from a neighborhood like us to get a great job or get into a good school that's why its important to me to take such great opportunities like working for Save The Harbor and being a MLK Summer Scholar.  I'm also grateful to have people and individuals from my community like Dana Barros to look up to. I just want to say thanks to MLK, Save The Harbor and John Hancock for everything this summer.   I really enjoyed and had a lot of fun and I look forward to coming back next summer!

Live, Laugh, Love,

Mark Rose

The striped bass that got away

That striped bass that got away

 Today at children's museum me and my squad were teaching the kids how to fish, what the crab trap is all about and how to hold the crabs. It was my first time catching a fish at childrens museum. i was happy that i had finally caught at fish for the first time this whole summer. Also it was my first time holding a fishing rod that had a striped bass at the end of it. It was exciting  trying to catch the stripe bass, that we forgot the time was passing by quick. this the only time its going to be said about childrens museum because the time usually seems to moving extra slow on the daily.

Overall today was a great day at Children's Museum. we caught lots of crabs which was a success. The kids love helping out with the crab traps and sometimes throwing them back in because there were "crazy."


It's So Hard To Say Goodbye

      Hello everyone, hope everybody had a great summer.  I'm a returnee for the Save The Harbor Save The Bay so it was great for me to come back another year and work. I met a lot of new staff and connected with a few people this summer. I enjoyed my summer working here. Also, I learned how to fish, give educational talks on marine life and Boston beaches to children and families all over Boston. I enjoyed working at various work sites this summer also. I experienced a lot this year, and holding a 3 pounder lobster was really cool! He would be yummy for dinner! Haha!  Overall, I had a blast working with STHSB once again. Thanks for everything. Farewell my readers.

My first time holding a 3 pounded lobster!
It's not bye, it's see ya later!
Capturing moments
-Juelle Benjamin 

Beach Bash 2013

    Hello everyone! The highlight of my day was face painting different summer camps from all over the Greater Boston. Beach bash was chaotic yet, it was fun. I never face painted before so doing it for the first time was a great experience for me. I don't consider myself an artist but I became very creative when kids were requesting some crazy ideas. Sometimes less is more! I painted simple flowers, butterflies, and painted some cool cartoon characters! Overall, I had a blast at Beach Bash and I enjoyed face painting.
Less is more 
Look at my little creation
Capturing some funny moments!
Good times
- Juelle Benjamin 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Friends of Wollaston Beach KidsFest

Hello Everyone,
 Setting up our touch tank!

Last weekend I was part of the Friends of Wollaston Beach KidsFest event. Upon arriving to Wollaston Beach I was greeted by Neil McCole who is the head of the Friends of Wollaston Beach group. We set up our touch tank to include Larry the Lobster, a green crab, clams, a razor clam,  hermit crabs, and  periwinkles. By the time we were done setting up the touch tank,  the rest of the beach was over taken by loads of kids.
Tom teaching kids about the marine life in Boston Harbor

Along with our touch tank we helped out with the various of activities that were planned for the event. Activities included: the Football toss, the frisbee toss, and potato sack races.  After each game the winners were called up to the front table to claim their prize.   Music played during the entire KidsFest.

One of the main attractions of the event was the annual duck hunt.  In the ocean were a bunch of rubber ducks that had numbers written on the bottom of them.  Each kid ran into the ocean to grab a duck and then waited for Mr. McCole to call a number.  Once Neil McCole called the lucky number one  little boy ended up winning a Kindle Fire HD tablet.
Winner of the duck hunt

Now came time for the marble hunt in which all the kids were searching Wollaston Beach to find a blue and while marble. If they found one of those precious marbles, they would be entered to win a round trip ticket on Jet Blue to fly any where in the United States.  After that it was time to wrap up for the day.  What better way to end the event than to have a dance party on the beach!

Overall, it was a great event that brought a community of families together.  No better  way to spend aa summer afternoon than by having a big party on the beach.

See ya' next time when I blog about my adventures on Peddocks Island!



Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Boston Children Museum

   Greeting my readers!

    The Boston Children Museum is a nice place for fishing, crabbing and enjoying the nature.We Save the Harbor/Save the Bay usually in a blue shirt ready for you to having fun with some playful learning and good activities.People are looking at us as we fishing and casting. Juelle and I are having fun at picking up the crabs and show random people or little kids how to hold it so they couldn't get pinch. Families, kids and others.. were having fun with us at the children museum.

  Most of the kids like holding Mr. crabs and also like fishing. As we are casting there was 2 blue fishes pass right by to the fishing rope and we only caught one. There were a lot of crabs in our bucket. The kids called it crabs city.People were excited to learn from me while I did a mini-lesson with them about the ocean and how to protect it and also show them some sea critters we caught.

doing a mini lesson.

It was a really fun day at children's museum.We had a lot of people who were interesting at fishing and we also had to make a line because we don't have enough fishing rope for everyone. Anyways, our work here was done and everybody was happy.At the end of the day they were sad because they didn't want us to leave but I told them they come to our office and also we here every summer.
oufff.. what a line.

-stay fishy and crabby

Friday, August 23, 2013

Farewell. Till next time!

I remember it like it was just yesterday when I came for training week. I was excited, but at the same time, clueless and nervous because I had no idea if I was going to be able to handle the kids. But I finally did it, this summer I've worked with probably over a hundred kids. Working with the kids helped me build leadership and more confidence in public speaking than I was before. Working with Save The Harbor/Save The Bay has also helped me become more patient.

Day 1 with Save The Harbor/Save The Bay: Training Week :)

It's official, summer is finally coming to an end and so are the programs at our sites. I know, its sad isn't it? But there's always next summer! Even though I just met many of my co-workers this summer, by having a chance to work with them has created a bond that made me feel close to them already. I had a great summer and I hope many of you also did. It was a fun and exciting experience. I had fun with all my Save The Harbor/Save The Bay co-workers and the kids I worked with on all the sites, and I hope to see you all again next summer.

Piers Park: Emma forcing me to take a picture with her.

Till next summer!
Take care,

It was nice while it lasted

Wow, so many exciting things happened this week! For example, this week, for the first time, I went kayaking and I can honestly say it was awesome! But, I have to admit I was kind of scared and nervous because the tides were kind of high that day, plus it was a bit windy. While paddling the kayak me and Abby (one of the McDonough kids) noticed that the waves were pushing us out further and further which made me even more nervous than I already was. Finally, we got the kayak to turn around towards the dock and finally reached land. Reaching the dock was an indescribable feeling, kind of like that relieved feeling after getting off a scary roller coaster ride and just being happy to be back on the ground, yea that feeling. Too bad I couldn't get pictures to post and share about this great and unforgettable experience.

That's not the only exciting thing that happened this week! Also, for the first time, I witnessed an ice cream topping fight! It was crazy! It sounded kind of like a war was going on right out on the dock at McDonough. Chocolate syrup flying from left to right, hitting people in the eye, hair, everywhere! Everyone looked like they were having a blast. Most definitely I am looking forward to another great summer with these guys next summer, no doubt!

A chocolate mess! (halfway through the ice cream topping fight at McDonough)

At Piers Park this week, we discovered a ton of small jellyfish. We caught at least 10 jellyfish everyday this week. It was strange because there were no jellyfish spotted before ever since this summer started, so that was kind of interesting to see.

One of the many jelly fish spotted at Piers Park.

Food Fight!!

Ready for action.
After spending the last seven weeks getting to know the kids at McDonough Sailing Center, I expected to close out the summer with nothing less than utter insanity. And they did not disappoint! The Save the Harbor staff and I were informed that every year the kids celebrate the end of the summer with an Ice Cream Sundae Toppings Food Fight followed by everyone jumping off the dock. The days leading up to the event, all the kids were doing was some serious strategizing: “whipped cream is fun, but chocolate syrup is better because you can shoot it from a distance,” “caramel sauce is the best because its really sticky,” “sprinkles are only good if the person you throw them at is really covered in chocolate.” Needless to say, everyone, including the Save the Harbor staff, was eagerly counting down the seconds until the 1pm Food Fight start time. At 12:50 you could see kids moving anxiously towards the dock, syrup and whipped cream at the ready. With the sound of a horn, sheer chaos broke out. It was a mass of nearly 100 kids of all ages squirting chocolate syrup, strawberry sauce, whipped cream and caramel on everyone and anyone in their path. Sprinkles and maraschino cherries were flying through the air as everyone turned into human sundaes. It was all over in about 15 minutes and by the end of it, kids were covered to the point that they were unrecognizable.

Sundae Topping Madness

The aftermath

 After all the syrup and whipped cream bottles had been thoroughly emptied, there was a mass ocean plunge as everyone jumped off the dock into the freezing water. There was so much sundae topping everywhere that even after cleaning the dock (three cheers for power washers!) the place smelled like chocolate syrup, even in the water. It was my first sundae toppings food fight and I hope it won’t be my last! With all of its silliness and camaraderie, it was the perfect way to close out the summer at McDonough.

Save the Harbor Sundaes!

-Sarah C

Goodbye Everyone :/

Its been a nice seven weeks working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. Waking up early every morning was a struggle. I'm not a morning person, but I made sure I woke up early just to see the smiles on the kids' faces. Sometimes I arrived at work not feeling like myself, but when I saw the kids I immediately was in a better mood. I had the best time working at McDonough Sailing Center and Piers Park and I am going to miss all the kids sooo much.

I hope to work with everyone next year. It was nice working for Save the Harbor this year. I learned a lot through out the weeks. Everyday I learned something new. I enjoyed working with Sarah, Nhu, Vinh, Myriam and Jazeel. I would love to work with them again because they made my summer fun and enjoyable. Byeeeeee everyone! Enjoy the rest of the summer and hope to see you guys next year :D