Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Its not too late!

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Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's Bruce Berman speaking with the South Boston beach representatives
Last Saturday, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission held a public meeting to share our preliminary findings and recommendations for the harbor beaches from Nahant to Nantasket. The meeting was made possible through the dedicated public involvement of the beachfront community members and leaders, who attended the 10 public hearings that were held in each of the waterfront communities in the summer and fall of 2013 and those who participated in the MBC survey. At these hearings and in the survey we were able to hear each community’s hopes, dreams, and concerns for the future of our beaches. Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the Metropolitan Beaches Commission used what we learned from the public hearings and survey to create a plan that will help us move our beaches from good towards great. However, before the Commission issues the plan later this year we organized this meeting so that we could circle back with the community to make sure we got it right.

The meeting began with a PowerPoint presentation given by Save the Harbor/Save the Bay director of strategy, communications, and programming Bruce Berman and board member David Spillane. The presentation began by explaining where we have come from since 2007: the success we’ve had and the problems that still need to be addressed. Bruce and David addressed a number of topics ranging from DCR maintenance and beach amenities to the controversial dog and plover issues. Bruce and David concluded the presentation by addressing each beach’s unique successes, challenges, needs, and opportunities.
After the presentation, everyone who attended the meeting separated into breakout groups by according to their beach. In these groups participants were given the opportunity for their voice to be heard via the sticky note system .On the sticky notes, participants wrote their desires and concerns for the future of their beach.  This was a chance for every single person who attended the meeting to have influence on the MBC final report. At the meeting, you could really see how these communities truly value their beaches, and that they share our mission to protect and restore them. It was a rewarding experience for us at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay to create the opportunity for waterfront neighborhoods and beachfront communities to influence the policies that will be set forth by the Metropolitan Beaches Commission final report.
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If you still want to express your desires for the future of your beach, it’s not too late! You can voice your thoughts in the MBC online survey at

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