Friday, February 7, 2014

Metropolitan Beaches Commission Public Meeting Draws Nearly 200

Nearly 200 beach lovers joined the Metropolitan Beaches Commission and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay at UMass Boston on Saturday, February 1, for the final public meeting to hear the preliminary findings and recommendations that will be reflected in the report to be released later this spring.  It was a chance for interested individuals to give feedback and share opinions regarding the findings and recommendations concerning their beaches. 

Attendees heard opening remarks from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay President Patricia Foley, Chancellor Ed Lambert of UMass Boston,  MBC Co-Chair Tom McGee, and DCR Commissioner Jack Murray.

To commence the meeting, attendees watched a Google earth video flyover of the metropolitan beaches from Nahant to Nantasket.  The video, which provides a stunning visual of how our communities are connected by our beaches and coastline, can be viewed here.

Bruce Berman and David Spillane then presented the PowerPoint detailing the progress that’s been made since the 2007 report, the Commission’s findings from community hearings this summer and fall, and the recommendations that will appear in the report.  The PowerPoint is available here for download.

The PowerPoint presentation gave overviews of the findings and recommendations specific to the individual beaches, but to give more attention to the individual beaches, the meeting concluded with attendees breaking into groups by community.  Two-pagers detailing successes, challenges, and needs and opportunities specific to each beach community were available at the meeting, and can also be accessed online here.  Attendees wrote positive and negative comments on sticky notes and discussed, with each other and with SHSB staff, the specific needs of their beaches. 

The Commission will be accepting public comments until March 1.  If you missed the meeting, or would like to add more feedback, you can make your opinions known by taking our survey at or sending an email to

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