Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Crazy Day at Spectacle Island

      On Thursday and Friday we met at the pavilion to wait for the kids to go out on All Access Boston Harbor. I helped  pull up the lobster pot and crab trap just as the kids started coming to meet up for the boat to Spectacle Island.  There were so many of them!  In the traps, we caught some green crabs, a lobster, and a starfish to show the kids.  The kids loved all of the sea animals we showed them, and they all wanted to hold them.

That day on the island, lots of kids wanted to fish and go swimming because it was so hot out.  The beach was full of kids swimming and standing just at the waters edge, trying to stay cool. On Friday we caught a skate using a piece of herring as bait, and it pulled hard!  We took it out of the water and made a print of it with paint and rice paper. We then used the skate for the lobster traps so it would be put to good use for the kids. 
I had fun that day on Spectacle Island where kids could have fun and hang out, and play some sports. But my favorite activities on the island was playing sports and swimming. On Friday the kids were hilarious because when we played soccer they pretended to be their favorite soccer team like Argentina and Brazil.

Carlos Garcia

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