Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fun & Safe Environment

        Good afternoon everybody my name is Carlos Garcia and I work at the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I like to follow my heart and intuition; I say this because my dream is to go to college and be a player in the NFL.  I love playing sports, but I also want to get an education to pursue a business career. I ignore what people say when they tell me I can't make it to the NFL.  Instead I just keep working towards my goal. I am making my time and life count with what I do. I'm honest with myself and what I do. I help people who are good to me and to those I care about.
         I attend Madison Park Vocational High School.  It helps many teens from around Boston and helps prepare them for college. High school and college is  fun, and provides a place to learn and enjoy life.  
          I am excited to work with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay because it's a fun place which helps out our community and improves the environment we all live in and share. I'm looking forward to starting work because I love to travel around the islands and city on the boats and have fun with the kids and staff.  Playing games and catching fish, crabs and lobster will be great! We should all help out our community and the city of Boston to be a clean and  safe city to live in. I appreciate those who hired me and gave me a great job.  This opportunity will brighten my future career. 

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