Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fishing For Fun

        Hello again fellow adventurers! Fishing at Courageous Sailing Center has been nothing but uneventful the past few weeks, but that doesn't mean that we're not having fun trying!

        Day in and day out, the kids and staff at Courageous are all smiles as they get the chance to experience things they have never seen before. I think we were all a little surprised at just how excited these kids were to even just cast the rods over the side of the pier in hopes of reeling in a monster catch. 

        So far we have tried just about every bait you could think of, from crabs to clams and even hot dogs. But perhaps the strangest and most interesting bait we have used so far is eels. Taken from the Charles river, these slimy American eels provide ample entertainment for those slow fishing days at Courageous. The kids thoroughly enjoy getting a chance to try and hold the eels, as they eventually wriggle their way out of everyone's grasp; then it's a screaming calamity as it slithers along the pier, with kids laughing and trying to stay clear of its unpredictable path. Once we finally get them on the hooks, there's a fight for who gets to toss the line over the side and fish with the eel.  
While it looks bleak right now, I believe that our fishing luck will soon turn at Courageous. This past week we have caught more fish than we can count at Community Boating, something that seemed too good to be true a week ago. Therefore, I think it's only a matter of time before we get that big break we've been waiting for. 

Until next time, keep on exploring!

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