Thursday, July 31, 2014

See What's Under The River

In Save the Harbor / Save the Bay we were at Community Boating. the group and me caught an black eel with two small perch, which we put in the touch tank to use it as bait. At Charles river you are able to go on small boats. Also go down and fish on the deck. Also the fish that we've caught is different from the fish that my other group caught in the Children Museum.

Next the group and me start heading to Courageous were there we caught a lot of green crabs with three cool sea star. As I put the sea star onto my skin you can feel the sea star tiny legs attaching to your skin. At the site that I was at today the children seemed like they were enjoying fishing and touching the animals.

As bait we were using corn, bread and fish to try and catch anything that's in the harbor ocean. The children seem more interested in the  eel and the sea star and a baby green crab that we had in the touch tank.

bait time
                                                                                                              -Edward Calderon

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