Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beach Bash and Splash 2014

I as an individual I feel as if the Beach Bash was a total success. There were so many activities being done around M Street beach. We even played a successful game of wiffle ball. A lot of team work was administered in order to make the day a great day. Everyone had a job and activity in which they had to do. And I feel as if everyone did their job perfectly.
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The greatest show of teamwork I saw had to be with the serving of the hot dogs. There were staff members grilling, putting buns in the pans, people hiding the pans, putting hot dogs inside the buns, putting ketchup and other condiments onto the hot dog, serving hot dogs, and people observing the kids in order for them not to get hurt by the grill or any other mishaps that could have happened.
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A fun part of the day was throwing people in the water. And unfortunately I was thrown in by a few people. But, after being thrown in, I went on a mission to try to get every staff at least wet and although we may not have gotten every single person, it was fun to get those people who said that they weren't getting thrown in. The Beach Bash was probably the funnest thing I have done all summer. The kids laughing and having fun seeing us throwing people in the water was priceless.


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