Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Staff Day 2014

Every time I've gone to Spectacle Island I have been on All Access, meaning that I have been with over 400 kids and I go there to work. But, this time was a little different. It was Staff Day so instead of having 400 kids, it was all of the Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay staff. We got right down to business when we got on the island. And had our long waited All Access vs. No Access kick ball game. The friendly trash talking began as soon as we started walking to the field. All Access started out with a demanding lead and never looked back after the first inning. The game ended 16-5 with my team, All Access, winning the game and gaining the bragging rights. We even played some volleyball which, from what I have heard, doesn't really happen. But, the most memorable moment of the day was when most JPAs and LHE's were on the beach relaxing and some were tanning. I was laying down on the beach and a little closer to the beach Candido was lying down. Well it was high tide time, but we did not know. And all I remember was hearing a big wave coming our way, but I got up and got away before any of my belongings could get waves. Unfortunately, Candido did not hear the wave and got wet from the waist down. And it was one of the funniest things I've seen all summer. 

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