Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Boom! Lobster: A Recap of Two Days of Fishing on Spectacle Island

Hello Friends, for the past two days the Save the Harbor Save the Bay All Access crew and I have been boarding the Provincetown II and ferrying to Spectacle Island where we have done our best to entice any thing that swims to bite our lures and baits.  Here is a recap of what we have accomplished:

Day 1:  We board the ferry at 11:00
                                                                      and promptly begin fishing by 11:30. 
And what do we catch?..

Nothing!  The fish aren't hungry, though we do manage to gather just over thirty crabs.

Day 2:  Again we catch the ferry at 11:00 and we begin fishing by 11:30.  

After setting up our rigs with lures and baits we wait patiently to see if we can better our luck.
Just when it appears that we are going to have to settle for another day of crab catching...
Drea pulls up our dip net / crustacean trap and BOOM! We get a lobster!
It just goes to show that you never know what you're going to pull up when you sink a piece of fish on a hook or in a net to the bottom of the Boston Harbor.  

These past two days have been great, despite not catching anything with fins.  Tomorrow, we are heading back out to Spectacle and I have high hopes that the third day of fishing will be the charm.  I want to thank all of the All Access crew who have been very helpful in teaching our visitors how to handle hooks, rods, reels and traps - and how to identify the various species that continue to surprise us every time they break the surface of the ocean.  Particular shout outs go to Drea for her superb handling of the crabs and the lobster, as well as to Ian who provided us with these great photos.  Also we wouldn't be out here doing what we do if the campers did not keep coming to us with curiosity about and an eagerness to explore Boston Harbor.  So keep coming!  And we'll keep providing the opportunity to catch and to learn about things that live in our ocean.  Hopefully tomorrow one of those things will be a fish.

-John Tobin at Spectacle Island.

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