Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Piers Park Paradise

Hello again fellow explorers!

This week officially kicked off the Save the Harbor summer programs, and also my first experience at Piers Park in East Boston!

Meet the Harbor Explorer Team!
Piers Park is not only one of the most beautiful parks in all of Boston, but it also has one of the most picturesque views of the city (as seen in the photo above). With the help of some of the dedicated Piers Park Sailing Center staff members, the Save the Harbor program oversees 20-30 young programmers every day! When these eager minds first joined the program early Monday morning, they seemed timid and unwilling to participate in a few ice breakers and name games...But BOY was I wrong, because ever since our first game of "Where the Wind Blows," it seems like each and every camper has been a bottomless pool of energy and excitement!

First Sailboat experience was a success!
From playing games like "fishy fishy cross my ocean," to fishing, and sailing and kayaking, our first week at Piers Park has been non-stop fun! We also came prepared with a crab trap and a lobster trap, which has been a source of endless awe for these kids, some of which have never even seen a crab before. Perhaps one of the funniest parts of the camp so far has been everyone's obsession with jellies. With such complex and active animals such as crabs and fish, the limelight has been stolen by the brainless, planktonic moon jellies that are whisked into the harbor by nothing more than the current that moves them. I can't wrap my head around it, but who am I to tell an eight year old that they can't name a jelly and come back to see it every day of the just have to appreciate their complex imaginations.

Until next time, keep on exploring!

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