Thursday, July 2, 2015

Nora the (Lead Harbor) Explorer!

Hey everyone, my name is Nora Doherty and I will be a Lead Harbor Explorer at Save the Harbor, Save the Bay this summer! This is my first summer here and I’m super excited to dive into everything this program has to offer!!

Growing up in Dorchester, I was lucky enough to be steps away from Malibu beach. I remember days of running in the water to celebrate a big softball game win or just simply going down to the shore line to find hermit crabs and horseshoe crabs with my friends.

Though events like this instilled my love for the ocean, I found my true love of the ocean on the southern tip of Nova Scotia. Visiting my Nana is Shag Harbour, NS is the closest you can get to the ocean without being a marine critter. These maritime people eat, sleep, and breathe the sea. I spent my days down the wharf, watching fishermen unload their weekly catch; gulls flying overhead, and seals bobbing in the near distance, or sunbathing on rocks. Arriving at the beaches at dawn and not leaving the water until sunset was an ideal day.

Starting college at Plymouth State University I was pulled away from the ocean and landed in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Here I hiked, skied, kayaked, swam, and explored as often as I could. Receiving a degree in environmental biology, I gained a knowledge ranging from ecology to cell biology. My senior research project focused on comparing fossil and modern corals and how changes in their environment affect their skeleton isotope composition.

Last summer I spent time away from the ocean when I had the experience to work in Orlando, Florida. Here I worked hands on with Florida panthers, bobcats, alligators, crocodiles  and tropical birds. 

I hope to bring all my experiences and knowledge to Save the Harbor Save the Bay this summer! The past week we have had orientation and the entire staff is very excited to work together! Have a great summer!

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