Thursday, July 2, 2015

Share the Love!

Hello everyone, my name is Mark Rose ; I'm 20 years old and I am from Dorchester. This will be my 5th summer working for SaveTheHarbor/SaveTheBay.  I'm proud to say that this will be my first year working as a Lead Harbor Explorer. I am super excited to be back for another summer. I know its going to be fun ; I'm sure there will be lots of new experiences. 

The biggest joy for me is being able to share my love for the Harbor with the young children that I will be teaching and working with. This week I met all my Jr/Sr staff and Co-workers. I think everyone seems great. I look forward to teaming up with them for an awesome summer. There's always something new to learn everyday. My goals are to continue to have fun, and help keep the Harbor a better place for friends and familys' to come and enjoy.

Mark Rose

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