Monday, August 3, 2015

Camp Harbor View Session Two

This past week was a bit different a Camp Harbor View. Last Friday saw the end of session one on the island. This meant that all the kids we have come to know within the past month would be leaving and we would be getting new ones in their place. The first two days of this new session seemed to last longer than usual. We had a lot of review for fishing safety as well as spending time talking to the kids to get to know them. I really liked the kids from last session, and the ones we have now seem like they're going to be a good replacement.

A cookout with all the kids
As long as they were, the first two days of session two were also very interesting. We got to Camp Harbor View just like any other. The first thing well also do when we get to the dock is to get the bait ready and pull up the lobster trap and crab trap. They bait was cut up as normal, and the lobster trap was surprisingly empty. But the real particular thing was when we pulled the crab trap. Inside the trap was, as usual, crabs, but also a baby flounder and a toad fish. Both were surprises to us as we had only seen adult flounders before and never a toad fish. I hope this is a good sign for the rest of the session.
A baby flounder

-Ian P.

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