Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sand Sclupting At Revere Beach

Last week, tons of the world's most talented sand sculptors got together to show off their talent at the 2015 Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Contest. We were lucky enough to see some of the coolest sand art, I mean some of them were really unbelievable! One of my personal favorites was the venomous snake lady- Medusa. It was really nice because it had so much detail!

Later on we got a chance make our own sand sculpture . We were divided into two groups of 7. On my team, our first choice was making a fish tank, but it was kind of complicated so we went on making an alligator. The other team decided to make a Save the Harbor logo. Our team went on to win the contest because our alligator was really awesome!
The master piece we created!

Till next time,

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