Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Free End of Summer Beach Party!

The Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is inviting all Bostonians to mark the start of the new school year and celebrate at an "End of Summer Beach Party" on Saturday, September 12 at the Boston Centers for Youth & Family (BCYF) Curley Community Center's M Street Beach in South Boston.  

"The City is excited to celebrate the spirit of summer for as long as possible," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I'm looking forward to closing the season on a high note and coming together as a community for an afternoon of fun." 

The event will be held from 12-5 p.m. and will feature a barbecue by Sweet Cheeks, beach games, kayaking, stand-up paddle boards, family activities and live music by the Endless Summer Band.

A recent study by Save the Harbor / Save the Bay found the beaches in South Boston to be cleaner than some of the most iconic beaches in the U.S., including Miami Beach in Florida and Waikiki Beach in Hawaii. Save the Harbor / Save the Bay launched its Better Beaches Program with the support of The Boston Foundation in 2008 to help local beach communities create and sustain free events and activities on the region's public beaches. This year, with additional funds from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Save the Harbor / Save the Bay awarded over $200,000 in grants to groups in Lynn, Nahant, Revere, Winthrop, East Boston, South Boston, Dorchester, Quincy and Hull.

"Thanks to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and the Boston Water and Sewer Commission, the beaches of South Boston are the cleanest urban beaches in America," said Bruce Berman, Director of Strategy, Communications and Programs at Save the Harbor / Save the Bay. "It is great to celebrate all we've accomplished together with Mayor Walsh and enjoy these spectacular urban natural resources."

The Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment is committed to producing fun, free public events for Bostonians and visitors to the city, and is proud to collaborate with Save the Harbor / Save the Bay to put on the End of Summer Beach Party. At the beginning of this summer, Mayor Walsh announced a new Family Friendly Beach at the M Street Beach at the BCYF Curley Community Center. The End of Summer Beach Party will be an exciting and festive closure to the Family Friendly Beach's debut season.  

For further information please call 617-635-3911, visit boston.gov/summer, check out @VisitBoston on Twitter or visit https://www.facebook.com/BostonCityTourism. The BCYF Curley Community Center is located at 1663 Columbia Road in South Boston and is accessible by MBTA via Andrew Square (Red Line) or the 11 bus towards City Point.

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