Sunday, September 13, 2015

The "Simply Marble-ous" Treasure Hunt is Underway!

Help Save the Harbor Find Our Marbles!

Find a marble on a Boston area beach from now until Halloween and you could win a pair of round-trip JetBlue flights* to any domestic destination they serve from Boston's Logan Airport as part of the 2015 "Simply Marble-ous" Treasure Hunt.

Buy a virtual marble here for just $10 by October 31st
and you could be this year's lucky winner!

Boston's Mayor Marty Walsh found his marble at the End of Summer Beach Party
at the BCYF Curley Community Center at M Street Beach in South Boston.
You can find yours on a public beach from Nahant to Nantasket.

It is free and easy to enter the contest. Over the past few year's we have released hundreds of blue, blue and white or white and blue marbles on beaches from Nahant to Nantasket
as part of our Better Beaches Program.

Find one on the beach, take a photo of yourself with the marble and post it on Save the Harbor's Facebook page or email the photo with your contact information to and you could be the winner!

If you don't find a marble on the beach, you can still join in the fun!

Buy a virtual marble here for just $10 by October 31st
and you could be this year's lucky winner!

The "Simply Marble-ous" Treasure Hunt began in 2012 at a beach clean-up led by JetBlue crew members and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. The more than 100 participants spent the day doing 5 weeks worth of maintenance at DCR's Carson Beach Reservation in South Boston. When they were finished, they released marbles into the water for Boston beach-goers to find - starting a tradition that continues to this day.
There are still hundreds of marbles waiting to be discovered on
Boston area beaches this year so get busy. The winner will be chosen on October 31st.

Stay up to date on the "Simply Marble-ous" Treasure Hunt - and learn more about other fun free ways to enjoy Boston Harbor by following savetheharbor on Facebook and Twitter.

*To any domestic destination they serve from Boston's Logan Airport.
Some restrictions apply, however the fun is unlimited!

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