Friday, May 6, 2016

Annual Marine Mammal Safari

At Marine Mammal Safaris 
  Good evening everyone,

I am back with more stories to tell. I had fun on the annual Marine Mammal Safaris, it was a little long but our crew made it for seven hours. The families and children were excited to see the seals, stripe fish and gulls around Boston harbor. It was fun interacting with the kids on the boat because the kids had a huge smile to play around on the boat and see the creatures in the sea. I was so surprised that there were seals in the Boston harbor, I never knew that they would be around Boston.  I always wanted to see one close but not the one at the Aquarium-- I wanted to see close to the boat. I wanted to know how long they would swim for and how many minutes they would last underwater.  It was so amazing seeing one because in the summer they won't come out, the water is too warm  for them to swim here at Boston Harbor.
Seals on Boston Harbor

Carlos Garcia

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