Friday, May 6, 2016

At The Children's Museum

The crew of "Save The Harbor Save The Bay".
  Good Morning everyone,

 It feels good to be back at Save the Harbor Save the Bay. On April vacation we had to choose to come to an event on April 19th, 21st, & 23rd. I only came to two events sadly but i made to the 19th and 23rd. On April 19th, we went to the Children's Museum. I was so excited to be back with the people I've worked with for two years. The people that I was working with at the Children's Museum were Abdi, Isabella, Arianna, and Jayda. We had fun interacting with the kids at the Children's Museum because they wanted to know where the lobster came from and how they got here to Boston Harbor.  I was kinda nervous because the kids came up to me and thought I was a stranger, their parents teach the kids not to talk to strangers so I told them I work with Save the Harbor Save the Bay and I was just letting them know if they would love to see a lobster that we caught. The kids were surprised because they never saw a lobster with huge claws and even I was surprised. It was nice catching up with ya'll ladies and gentlemen, and I hope to see you soon in the summer. 


Carlos Garcia 

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