Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cartwheel Workout Routine

Welcome all to another blog post!

The girls this week were very into gymnastics, especially Leila, Michaela, Kylie, and Johanna (in the picture above)! When we would transition to the sprinkler area, these girls constantly had me doing gymnastics with them. To my surprise I learned the proper technique for a cartwheel and I improved my hand stand! This all started after Johanna was fed up with bored during Monday and Tuesday's park time; on Wednesday Johanna took initiative to make herself, Hannah, the second Leila and I judges for a gymnastic competition comprised of all the kids who were eager to do cartwheels, back bends and other tricks. 

I role played as a Urban Farmer this Friday and one of the videos from my MLK Friday sessions with John Hancock left me tearing up a bit. The video that had me tearing up was on how folks from Boston see themselves and Boston in 2030. This week I had turned twenty years old, and I did not come to realize how fast time was starting to go by for me. It was during the video that I got a reminder that you really should make the most out of every day! 

On Saturday Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay had a great opportunity to do fish printing at Revere Beach's annual Sand sculpting event. I really enjoyed seeing the kids who tried fish printing for the first time. I tried my best to offer up alternative designs for painting the flounder versus the usual monochromatic flounder and ended up with some cool stripe patterns!

I can't wait to tell you guys and girls about next week!
Raymond Chai

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