Monday, July 25, 2016

Revere Sand Sculpting

Hey everyone It's Mauricio and I'm back but this time it's gonna be all about Revere's sand sculpting tournament. Revere hosts an annual sand sculpting tournament and Save the Harbor is one of its sponsors. The event is amazing, there are rides and great food. So many people come out on the day to either see the sculptures or just to hang out on the beach and swim. This year there was a rocket ship sculpture! It was huge and everything about it made it amazing!

Throughout the day at Save the Harbor we were fish printing. We had kids coming and going even adults wanting to get a shot at fish printing. A lot of them were really surprised that it was a real fish. At First kids didn't want to come over to us but once we showed them what we had going the were talking to us like we knew them for years! Overall we had a great time checking out the sculptures and getting to know the kids.
-Mauricio A.

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