Monday, July 25, 2016

The Sand Makers

One of the many things we are doing at Camp Harbor view is an experiment that we are conducting in order to help sand come back to the rocky Camp Harbor View beach. For this experiment we are removing two invasive species, the Asian short crab, and the Periwinkle from a certain area. Since these two species eat algae which helps sand grow, we are hoping that the removal of these species will eventually lead sand growing back in that area. This experiment is usually both very fun,engaging, and educational. The kids enjoy being able to get hands on with these little sea creatures, and they also really like the idea of getting sand back onto the beach. A few of the kids are scared of getting pinched by a crab or scared of holding a periwinkle, but for the most part the kids are really excited about seeing these species up close and being able to interact with them. Hopefully this experiment is successful, it would be extraordinary to sea sand starting come back to Camp Harbor view.

Abel Yohannes

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