Friday, July 15, 2016

Fun at Carson Beach!

Hey y'all,

Well, yesterday was an exciting day. I was at Children's Museum and then I participated in an event called Family Fun Day which was so much fun.

At the Children's Museum it started off as a slow day, but then I taught my friend who visited the Museum how to fish and she was having the time of her life. She was so determined to catch a fish so I could take pictures of her and add them to my blog, but she wasn't so lucky. As the day continued, I saw Jahari fishing, then with his luck he caught onto a Skate, which is a fish that belongs in the Sting Ray family. It was so sad though because the hook was caught onto the Skate's side and it was bleeding when they tried to take out the hook.

The Skate that Jahari caught at the Children's Museum
At Family Fun Night different families came and there was fish printing, face painting, and amazing food. I was with Andrea most of the time and we had a blast. It was so funny how we had to hide a couple marbles around the beach for kids to find and they would be entered into the raffle to win two tickets on Jet Blue to fly anywhere. Afterwards, there was a lady named Ms. Mary who was telling a story to the kids about a Paper Bag Princess and all the kids were laughing and enjoying it. We danced and laughed. It made me feel so happy knowing that kids were actually looking for the marbles and two boys kept following Andrea and I around to see if we'd lead them to a marble.

Ms. Mary telling the story of the Paper Bag Princess
Well, until next time everyone!

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