Friday, July 15, 2016

Week one

Week One of the summer is always fun and exciting. I was working at Courageous Sailing in the morning, then in the afternoon we'd go to Carson Beach. The first day, we didn't have as many kids due to the fact that it was raining and it was humid.

Fishing at Courageous

But as the day went by, the sun started to come and we started fishing with the Step 1 kids (Younger kids). The day was slow, we didn't catch anything, but the kids still had fun. The said the most fun part of fishing was the casting. After the fishing we played games with the kids. We played games such as "uncle sam" and "taping". Overall it was a really fun day, and kids said they had fun and can't wait to come back next week.

Some of the campers at Courageous

Till next time,

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