Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Beach Bash and Splash

This past Friday was the 6th Annual Beach Bash and Splash at Carson Beach. We had just about 400 kids attend the event, plus all of the staff members from respective sites around South Boston and other parts of the city. This meant we needed ALL HANDS ON DECK at Carson Beach in order to accommodate all of the kids. We had a wide variety of activities set up for all of the kids to participate throughout different areas of the beach, and a free hot dog lunch!

We had face painting, fish printing, sand raking, fishing on the shore, clamming, kayaking for a few select groups, free ice cream, storytelling with Norah Dooley aka Pirate Mary Read, a designated swimming area, and sports and games on the sand. With all of these activities, it was hard for children (and staff!) to only choose a few! The kids were constantly rotating through the stations, thoroughly enjoying the variety of activities offered, and finding things to do that really matched a wide spectrum of interests, on land and sea.

My favorite part of the day was the Noontime Simultaneous Splash. At about 11:45, the Senior Harbor Educators went around and gathered all of our camps and groups in attendance up towards the steps at the center of the boardwalk. Once all groups and children were gathered, all of the Save the Harbor staff stood on the boardwalk in front of them. Bruce said a few words of thanks, and then we sang a couple of songs with the help of David Coffin, and from the kids who repeated our call and responses! After the songs were done, we made a HUGE line in front of the lifeguard stand. At the count of three, EVERYONE ran into the water full speed ahead simultaneously. It was amazing. In that moment, all of the hard work that went into planning and implementing this event did not seem like work anymore. Looking around, not a single face lacked a smile, adults and children included. Children were splashing and swimming, counselors were laughing, Save the Harbor staff were getting each other wet and acting like the big goofy dysfunctional family that we are. It was incredible. That is the part of the day that I will never forget, even when the setting up and taking down seemed like such a task. It was worth it to be a part of a magical, community moment like that.  

See you at the Splash next year,

Bridget M.

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