Tuesday, August 9, 2016

THE best fishing trip ever

Hey everyone. So this week was week 4 of session one of Camp Harbor View meaning we went on our fishing trip on Wednesday! This fishing trip was much different from the last one in many ways. First of all we only had three of the same kids from the last trip and second of all we caught a lot less fish than last time. Today was also very, very hot but captain Charlie kept us cool! When we complained about being in the sun he picked up the hose and sprayed us with it! Nobody cared that they were soaked because it felt great. On every fishing trip we always have a great time because a man named Sam, who used to work for Save the Harbor, works on the boat now. He is super fun and he loves interacting with the kids. Sam knows almost everything there is to know about fishing so it is always good to see kids learning about different occupations.

On this trip I was paired with a kid named JD. He loves fishing and we had a lot of fun together. This trip was extremely fun because all of the kids were full of energy; maybe too much energy at some points. Although we had a great trip I'm a little bit upset. All of the kids I got to know and love are leaving tomorrow and a new session will begin next Tuesday. I'm looking forward to seeing some new faces and making some new friends.

Until next time!

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