Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dance and Hula-Hoop!

Hii guys!

I hope everyone is doing fine and are enjoying the few days that we have left. This week I’ve been at Carson and it’s been pretty dead. Maybe it’s because of what happened, who knows. Anyways, we had this group coming over. We all got so exited and happy because we haven’t had any groups for a while. So we went down there with our equipment to hang with them.
Nieomi, Daynaja and I were ready to have fun with them. We took the initiative to put music and dance so the kids could join in and they did. We dance the cha cha dance, the Macarena dance and so much more. The kids seemed to enjoy it and so did we. We had some hula-hoop dance as well. There was this girl who was so good at it. She was very good with hula-hoops and she kept going on and on.

The boys were playing with Preston; they played football and some other jumping game. We had so much fun dancing “watch me wip now watch me nae nae” it was so much fun. They all knew how to do it. Some other girls were singing and the day was so great because just when we thought we would have no one coming down to the beach, they showed up and made our day better.

Well this is all for now,
Until next time


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