Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last Event Of The Summer

Hiii everyone,

As days are going by, we have less and less time until the summer is over. I hope everyone is having a wonderful time and has experienced new adventures like I have throughout this summer. This weekend was our last better beaches event at constitution beach. It was great, we had Nora the storyteller telling her stories as the kids listen by the beach. Other did fish printing, in which many of them kept asking if was a real fish and when we said yes they we all surprised that we use real fish for art. Some other people ran the sand raking and they loved it. They did so many nice drawing

I like to dance, so I was near the Dj along with Andrea dancing with the little girls as if we were at a party or something. Andrea made a special request the cha cha slide dance and we all enjoyed it, dancing and singing it while Sam rap at the end. She’s really good at it too.
There was also campfire with marshmallows, even thou mine kept burning a lot of time I still ate a lot of them. There was nothing more fun then doing that at the beach as the sun goes down. It was a great event for all of the family and friends that went there. I enjoyed it very much. Well this is all for now.

Until Next Time,


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