Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Events: Family Fun Night at Carson and the Seafood Festival at the Fish Pier

Today there was an event at Carson Beach. Almost everyone around the neighborhood came and joined us for the night. They were giving out hot dogs and icy slush. Me and the Save the Harbor group were on the sand playing with a giant volleyball. Some of the kids were getting knocked down because of how hard the ball was being pushed. Even though it was tiring I was still having fun! Other kids would just make sand castles or go swim in the water. I decided to go for a swim and play football in the water with kids who didn't want to do the other activities.

A few days later, over the weekend, I staffed an event called the Seafood Festival at the Boston Fish Pier. There were a lot of people trying out the different plates of sea food that they had. I wasn't able to try the higher class of food, but I was able to try the clam chowder which smelled and tasted like tuna. I enjoyed getting fake tattoos, and also doing fancy fish prints with kids and the grown ups. They also including clam painting. I started to notice how every one was painting a drawing on the clams, which was a very cool craft!

-Edward Calderon

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