Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Last Day at Blacks Creek

This week was the last day at Blacks Creek. Now that the site is officially over I already miss it. I was able to relate to each kid who came to Blacks Creek. Usually when we start the day we start off at the water. The kids love catching sea creatures! And also freshwater creatures, since it is a brackish environment. There were days when we didn't catch any crabs, but when we did it would be in between five to seven of them. The largest crab the kids caught they called "Bob." At times the kids liked working together in groups to collect and explore things.

Sometimes dogs like to run down when they see the kids. The dogs get too excited when they see the kids down at the lake. One of the kids, a little girl, got chased by a big black dog. I ran after them, and the girl was crying because she was scared. The two big dogs chasing after her ended up being controlled by their owner. Another time a dog came down to the water with a tennis ball and the kids had a blast playing fetch while the owner looked on.

Later on in the day the kids decided they wanted to play games at the up the hill from the water, like usual. We had games like Gaga ball, kick ball, dodgeball and Uncle Sam. I personally think every game is a fun activity to be part of. I had a great summer at this site! Everything I was expecting was seen here at this site. This summer I had so much fun that I wish I could do all this again starting off at day one.

-Edward Calderon

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