Friday, April 21, 2017

Fish Printing!

After months without fish printing, I finally got to do it again with a bunch of awesome kids and it was pretty exciting. Seeing their reactions to the fish when they first came in reminded me of this past summer and it was really funny. They'd ask all types of questions like "is that a real fish?" "where did you get it?" "can I touch it?" It was nice to see how interested they were in learning about the flounders and all the other fishes that we used for fish printing, I also remembered some things that I had forgotten from the summer about the fish. All of them made different colored fish prints that looked really cool when we laid them all out to dry. Seeing how excited they were to show they're mom or dad what they made put a smile on my face.

Aside from the fun fish printing, I also got to meet Larry the Lobster! This past summer I only really got to hold crabs, and fish so it was my first time holding a Lobster and it was really cool! We also learned a lot of interesting facts about Larry and we taught it to the kids who were eagerly in line to pet Larry and introduce themselves. Overall it was a really fun and exciting day for everyone and it went by so fast! I can't wait for this summer to come to hang out with these awesome kids again!

Til next time,
                      Rusenny :)

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