Thursday, April 20, 2017

My first print in a while

Today was my first day since August that I was able to see some of my friends from work and I was really excited about that. Besides that, I was finally able to do some of the activities that I have not done in a while such as bonding with kids, fishing and fish printing. I will admit that it was pretty chilly on Atlantic wharf but at least the sun was shining. The kids really enjoyed the fishing and they could not get over the fact that people actually caught fish with other fish. I guess I never really thought of that and it doesn’t make much sense. Either way it is nice to see city kids doing things like fishing since they probably don’t get the opportunity very often.

When I was finally able to go inside I assisted on the fish printing and the kids were fascinated by the dead fish on the table. My friend Preston and I decided to play a game of tic-tac-toe at one of the tables and I lost very quickly. A little boy saw us playing and his mom told us that he was a tic-tac-toe master. He was actually really good and he had a ton of moves. I was upset because the day went by so quick but it was fun to hang out with some energetic kids for the first time since last summer. I can’t wait for work to start again in July!
-Maeve Fittz

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