Friday, July 7, 2017

My Save the Harbor Save the Bay orientation Experience

  When I heard about orientation. I thought we would be in a boring room, talking about where we would be working. What we would be doing, and our work schedules would be like, but I could not be more wrong. But the three days of the orientation I participated in were nothing like what I expected.
  On the first day I came in and got settled, after a few minutes we started. We all went outside and formed a circle and did some icebreakers to learn everybody's name. After that we sung sea shanties called "Haul away Joe". Then it started to rain, so we went back inside and we got to hear the great story of Mary Read, one of the most famous female pirates of all time. Then we were visited by a man named Bruce who gave us all a little bit of lore to the Boston harbor and how the program  (Save the Harbor Save the Bay) saved the fishes in the beach. After that we were dismissed.
  Day two we all met at the public dock and went out on the waters. There we learned about sea worms and used them as bait. Most people caught things like crabs or a Flounder. But the best thing I caught with a hook was another person's hook. But after about a good hour or so, we went to an island and had lunch, then we went down to the beach to see the bits of glass and broken plates from a fallen building. After finding many pieces of debris and other things we made our way back to the boat. Three people were chosen to pull up crab/lobster traps. I was lucky enough to be one of the people to catch three rock crabs.
Me showing off the rock crab I got from the lobster trap

  On the third day we all met up at Blue Hills Banks Pavilion. We did some activities outside to be awake for the plans for the day. Then when we got back inside we were all given our sites that we would be working at, mine was Black's Creek! There were even some people who came in to give us all laptops!(For work related purposes if course) After lunch we all made our ways to the cars to see our campsites and drop off supplies. After a long drive we dropped off the supplies and by then it was time to go home.

  Excited to start catching fishes!

Eric Joseph

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