Friday, July 7, 2017

summer's interlude.

Hi everyone,

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my buddy, myles.
            My first two days at Black's creek and the Children's museum were great. I'm glad to be back where I feel like Myself the most. It was completely relaxing at black's creek where there are many kids coming in to fish for green crabs, seaweed and water bugs. Yesterday at black's creek there was a little boy named Myles. He was so enthusiastic to find water bugs so we all decided to help him out. he honestly made my day because he kept making funny faces and he told me "hey can you please move that rock?" I enjoyed his motivation to find something he was passionate about.
holding a green crab as a bracelet.
         As soon as I walked into the children's museum it reminded me of all the fun times we had last year. I knew how to tell the difference between a girl and boy crab, I knew how to hold them and hand them over to kids. If it wasn't for a past jpa I would've never known how to. I love being at the crab tank. A lot of the kids are usually afraid but i usually tell them to try something they've never done before and hold one. It was a great experience though to teach Jennifer how to make bate out the crabs and how to tell others if it's a green crab. I love teaching others and learning more information about sea creatures.

til next time,

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