Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rain and swimming....Just as Wet!

My team and I finally made our return to Spectacle Island, and it was about time to tackle all of the new obstacles to make the best of our time here for the week. On the first day, the weather was bearable, at least that is only what we thought. We had set up crab traps, caught crabs and taught

kids about them, mainly their species, gender, and more. They were so happy to catch crabs, because they usually do not ever get the chance to fish, or if they do it is really fast paced, and rushed so seeing them finally get to do something they have not done before really put a smile on my face.

just as wet am i right?
As we packed up and walked to the changing rooms to change for the beach, it started to drizzle. It did not matter to us in the beginning, because we were sweating and ready to cool off in the ice cold water. Then the rain came down harder, and harder until it began to pour down on us. All the campers, and YMCA students ran under something to keep them dry, and people rushed out the water as if they did not want to get any more wet than they already were. I really did not want to swim at this point, but then I remembered that one of my supervisors on All Access has a rule for all his staff; go swimming voluntarily, or get thrown in-- even he remained in the water after the rain had begun to pick up. And so I looked at one of my coworkers and we just sprinted into the water. Turns out my whole team came along and none chose to stay behind. David did not think we would have gotten in the water considering how hard the rain was coming down, so I don't even think he would have tossed us in this time, but we all still had such a great time! I mean, being in the water while rain is down-pouring on us did not matter, because we were just as wet.

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a little sports fun!
The second day we brought along Amy, one of our bosses (no pressure) to Spectacle Island. That day I was not stationed at the fishing club, I was on sports club instead. The weather was incomparable to the day before. The sun was shining on all of us, and the day started off really slow. Not much people came up to play, and we began to play catch so time can pass by. Soon, a swarm of kids in orange shirts came running, with music playing in the background. They were from the Dorchester YMCA, and they were ready to play some games. We played dodge ball and football, while some kids relaxed under the shade with their counselors. They loved the games, and begged their counselors to come back to Spectacle with us one day for another day of fun and activities!

Stay tuned for more!
Qalid Hassan

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