Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Another Tuesday on my Favorite Island

This Tuesday we ventured back to spectacle Island. This is seriously my favorite island because I love being able to use its swimming beach at the end of our day before leaving, something always happens to get me in the water. Today it started raining right when we were about to get in the water, but it was still the best because I was debating swimming because I wanted to avoid wetting my hair, but the weather made the decision real easy for me. When we went swimming the water wasn't as cold as it usually is, finally warm from all the recent sunshine!. My coworkers and I played catch in the water with the few kids who dared to remain in the water and who ever let the ball fall in the water had to dive in. Guess who didn't dive in by choice.... me! Every time I dropped the ball, one of the boys would splash me or throw me in, hilarious right? Trust me, I got all of them back.

Today I did fishing though I really wanted to do sports club on the island's drumlins. My colleague Vince beat me in a game of rock paper scissors so he got to go to sports, but its okay because I'll get to do sports tomorrow. Fishing for me is actually really funny because I'm scared of the crabs so every time I'm with a camper and they catch one I call Max over and he comes running to get the crabs on the pier. I do like to man the touch tank though, and allow the kids to get familiar with the crabs, investigating their anatomy and actually picking them up. I honestly always have the best time coming to Spectacle Island!

swimming in the rain i know we look cold cause that water is cold.

Marly Burgos

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