Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Hey guys, last week was really fun and I really enjoyed working with the kids from Dorchester and Roxbury they were a lot of fun. I finally got to do sports this week with Max and Carlia and Quild, those kids really wore me out I ended up having to sit down for a couple of minutes. We played tag, kick ball and also this other game that we had to sing a song and at the end we spelled the word out and if the song ended the last person to have the ball they were out. The kids didn't want us to leave but we had to go swim it was extremely hot that day, worse part was that I ran out of water and I had to eat ice!

Friday was another great day, first we went to community boating and did fishing I almost got a fish but it ate the bread and left I was really mad but then we went to Atlantic Wharf and we had stations for the kids. I was in station 2 with Jenn,  we were playing a game called "whats under the sea?" and the kids choose an animal that lives under the sea and we had to act it out. I was 5 different animals, a shark a star fish, a whale a carb and the last one we did any animal I was a dog! It was so much fun being able to teach these kids with Jenn about the fishes and even I learned a couple of new animal names that live under the sea that I didn't even know about, its was a blast!!! 
max inventing a way to fix the Rod 

See you later 
            Marly Burgos 

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