Sunday, August 27, 2017

Final Days

Hey everyone,

       On Friday was the last day of programming for Save the Harbor and I worked at Atlantic Wharf for the first time which was different. It didn't hit me until the end of the event that it was the last day which brought this light weight into my heart. I grew a bond with everyone and I left with a family.

the Family at Atlantic Wharf.
      I was always afraid to open up to the staff for some odd reason but I conquered that fear and had the best summer ever. I laughed throughout the summer and made memories that I will always remember. 

      At Atlantic Wharf we had two YMCA groups and they were honestly so funny. I was with Ana in the mural section which was peaceful and the kids loved it. I was trying to teach my friend Jamin how to hold a crab and she was not having it. Im glad I helped her face her fear which is what summer with Save the Harbor is all about.

Until next time,
Nieomi Colon

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