Saturday, August 26, 2017

Thank You For an Awesome Summer

Our flower paintings!
Holding crabs at atlantic!
Hi everyone! So yesterday was officially the last day of programming at the children's museum for this summer and it was a pretty smooth day. There was a good number of kids who came to us for fishing and although we didn't catch any fish on the rods, we caught two cunner fish in our crab traps. Many of the kids that had been visiting us throughout the whole summer came yesterday too and even one of the little girls named Anna who had been drawing mermaids all summer long and told us she was one herself, came to say goodbye. These past two weeks at children have been awesome and I met a lot of great kids that have definitely made this summer memorable.

Aside from the last great moments at children's yesterday, today I also got to work for the first time at Atlantic Wharf. I had never been at this site before and I can truly say that it was a really awesome way to end the summer. There was a band playing, face painting, we had fish printing and crab tanks, and there were many other small stations for the kids to come and visit! Not only did I get to help some kids make their very first fish print, but I also got to visit the face painting table and I got a beautiful flower painted on my arm.

This summer was truly a memorable one and being at Atlantic Wharf was definitely a great experience to remember. I can't wait to see the great things that next summer holds!
Til next time, see you soon

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