Monday, July 16, 2018

A little about me

Hello, Everyone! 

My name is Kamal Taylor and I'm a Junior Program Assistant at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.  I'm 17 years old and live in Mattapan. I like Save the Harbor because last summer I had a great time. I liked hanging around the kids, exploring the environment,  and expressing myself--for example, showing who I am and how I act. Overall, my favorite part of Save the Harbor last summer was doing the beach events, and bonding with kids, especially at Piers Park. This is my second year at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. 

When I'm not fishing or crabbing on the harbor, I like playing video games and sports as well as hanging out with friends, which is my favorite pastime.  I believe I'm funny, kind, and good with young kids. I'm the youngest out of my siblings and I live with my family of five. Being the youngest can teach you a lot of useful skills, like patience and cooperation.

This is me showing some kids crabs at the Children Museum
During the academic year, I go to school at Prospect Hill Academy and this fall I am going to be a Junior. I'm a pretty good student if I say so myself.  My favorite subjects are Math and Science.  On weekends, I either hang out at home or with friends. As long as I'm doing something that keeps me occupied. I feel that I'm creative and I know how to talk to people. Another few things about me is my favorite actor is Jason Statham, my favorite TV show is Ridiculousness. I'm planning to go to Northeastern next fall and would like to become a psychologist because I am intrigued with the brain and how it works, and being a Psychologist can answer those questions.  I hope to make as many friends here as possible and while having as much fun as possible too. 

My goal in life is to live it to the maximum and make everyone happy along the way.

I'm excited to be working with all of you this summer!

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