Monday, July 16, 2018

First week at Save the harbor

Kamal Taylor
July 10 2018
Save the Harbor Save the Bay

Overall, my first week at Save the Harbor was really fun. I was at the Boston Children's Museum on Monday, All Access on Tuesday and for the rest of the week I was at the Boston Children's Museum. I was pretty excited to get into everything. There were so many new co-workers and new experiences that could be different from last year. I had a feeling that it was going to be different from my experience from last year. Even though it was going to be a different experience, I am still excited on what's to come.

On Monday, I was at the Children's Museum. I'll admit I was kind of nervous because it was the first day with new co-workers and you don't know how they can act sometimes. However, that had stopped because I soon found myself making friends with them easily. They were cooperative, friendly, and helpful when it comes to working. At Children's, we had put crab traps at the beginning and ends of the pier at the Museum, cut the bait, and then baited the fishing rods. Later on, we gave all the kids at children's a new experience. They got to hold a crab, learn and try fishing. I could tell this was something they had really enjoyed. Boston Children's is pretty fun and I wanted to go there again.

Tuesday, I was at All Access and All Access is a trip to either Georges or Spectacle Island that families, schools and camps can all go to. A lot of people show up to All Access. On average, I would say at least 300+ people everyday; it's pretty hectic. Although it seems crazy, it's not as insane as one might make it out to be. I had a really good time there. I was assigned to do tours on the beach while others were assigned to do sports, fishing, etc. I showed kids around on the island and showed them the dark tunnel, which is one of the best things on the island. It really is pitch black and it feels like you're walking through a tunnel with your eyes closed. It's not as bad as they make it though. It's a pretty short tunnel and the room isn't that big either but David Coffin being in there makes it worse because he's always trying to be scary. I still don't know how he's able to see in that tunnel to the point where he can scare people and take things like phones, hats, and other things from people. Even so, I see why people say All Access is one of the best trips because it's really fun, and amusing to be on.

Thursday and Friday were pretty fun. We had done the same things as what we did on Monday, but it was different kids, and different experiences. Thursday was pretty mundane as well, but on Friday I was doing the 2-5 shift and it was hectic. The line was leading outside of the Children's Museum and nearly wrapped around the dock. The Boston's Children's Museum has this thing called Free-Day once a summer, as do other museums across the Boston area, where it's free to get in, so you already know people want to get the deals for their kids. What this means is that we'll have more people experiencing what Save the Harbor is really about.

"I'm having a Whale of a time!" ~Kamal

Me, My Co-workers, and kids from other camps having a fun time

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