Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Face Paintin' at Carson Beach!

Hey everyone,

      So glad to be back talking to you guys about what I’ve learned and accomplished my second week with the kids of Camp Harbor View. It was great to be back and learn about more kids as this week wrapped up the first session. It was a bittersweet feeling but the kids had to just take those life lessons with them home.

      The week started off like any other day where we set up for the fishing club and crab tank for the kids and they ask questions on what the spider crab may eat? or why they are so dirty? So explaining them that a spider crab eats all that algae and left over scrap baffles them because that doesn't sound delightful but it's the crabs cup of tea.

       On Wednesday, we had our fishing trip and that was so fun because we were with Captain Charlie and many kids caught skates. Even Abel caught one and clearly I was proud of the Save the Harbor Staff. My goal for the near future is to catch my own skate and remind myself that I did it all on my own. The kids were so calm on the boat but were so excited as they caught a striper and sadly realized it was too small to keep. That is an accomplishment that shouldn't be forgotten!

fishing trip with camp harbor view kids. 
    The week wrapped up with our annual staff Beach Bash and Splash which was a success like the past two years where I am usually fish printing. This year I tried something new and did face painting with my pals Erin, Ellen, Esther and Patrice. It was pretty funny to see that we all had different expertise in face paints like I did amazing with my unicorn, Ellen did a great watermelon face and Erin had a spot on Spider man face paint. We all created a bond with one another and we enjoyed with the kids.
unicorn i painted on isabella.
    May next week bring me many new experiences with the Camp Harbor View crew and kids! The summer has taught me many valuable lessons like having patience and being more courageous and I can't wait to learn more. I truly enjoy all the time I spend with each individual I meet and I can't wait to learn and teach others about what life has to offer.

See y'all later,
Nieomi Colon

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