Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Makin' Friends at CHV!

Hi everyone,

     So my first week of Camp Harbor View was pretty nerve-wracking because I never spent a full week there so I didn't know what to expect from the kids or how the daily schedule went. I just expected the best out of everything knowing I had some great co-workers.

     I started by fishing with the kids and just taking in what I didn't realize was so beautiful last year which was Long Island in Boston. Camp Harbor View has so many beautiful clubs like tennis, biking and especially the fishing club and I truly made the best of it. We caught many skates like my buddy Justin did and it was natural of me to be in charge of the crab tank.

a skate that justin caught.
    As the days went on we caught many lobsters and Henry finally help the baby lobster that flopped like a mermaid and it was so cute to see how excited he was and how he kept bragging about it to his friends.  Also, many of the kids were so surprised to see me hold a crab with no problem and they would ask "does the crab bite?" and I'd go "no, not as long as you hold it the right way." It's funny to see how they react to that statement because of how clueless they are but I'm glad I can teach them about different sea creatures.

my buddy henry carried his first lobster!
     My friend Carli who is also a staff employee usually likes to come visit and ask me questions about what we do and she told me one of the campers wishes he was in our club versus aquatics. It was a good feeling to think there's probably more boys and girls who didn't get a chance to be in the fishing club. Maybe next year!

      Hopefully next week will be even better with the kids at any site I go to because it's always a good feeling to make a kid's day better. Taking them out to explore nature and letting them know their environment should be valued way more just shows what Save the Harbor is about and how we're here to enjoy and make a change.

See y'all later,
Nieomi Colon

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