Thursday, August 16, 2018

Fishing Derby 2018

Hello Save the Harbor!

I'm excited to share with you guys how my first fishing derby experience was. If I'm being honest with you guys, the thought of waking up at 6 in the morning and fishing on a boat for about 4 hours did not please me. However, I actually liked it because it was fun. Despite the fact that I didn't catch anything, I had a good time. Unlike the day at orientation, I didn't get sea sick this time!

I got to go on Charlie's boat so it was familiar to me. The people in my group were: Aleena, Patrice and her brother, Damani, Kharliyah, Maeve, Bridget, Ariagnna, and Brianna. They're all so nice and we took many pictures/selfies with Bridget! It was a relaxing and peaceful day as another opportunity to spend time with coworkers outside of actual work. Charlie also is a very nice captain, he never hesitated to help us out.

Although I tried, I didn't have the luck of catching anything. However, many on our boat did. Aleena caught a small striped bass and a baby skate and a few others did as well. I enjoyed my time on the boat, feeling the excitement when one of us caught something. We laughed and smiled a lot, it was great.

Fishing this summer was a new experience for me. It's another one of the many things this job has taught me. Summer's almost over and having this skill is a privilege as not many have it. But I do think I've had enough of it, not because I don't like it, but because it requires way more patience than I have. I enjoy passing on this skill to all the kids we get to meet, and I look forward to doing so for these last few weeks!


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